Friday, May 28, 2010

Five Question Friday

This week, I'm participating in a blog hop, hosted by Mama M.

1. Is there something you've always wanted to try but just can't muster up the courage to actually do yet? Riding a motorcycle. I tried before, but I was too scared to lift up my feet. For now, I'll just stick to riding on the back with Wade, but eventually I want to try again.

2. If you had $100 handed to you in cash without your significant other knowing about it, what would you spend it on?
Probably spend it on him. I know that's lame, but honestly that's probably what I would do. If I were forced to spend it on me, I'd put in in my new camera fund.

3. What was your favorite piece of playground equipment as a child?Monkey bars!! I loved climbing. And hanging upside down. Wish I could still climb like I use to! I also loved the slide, but metal slides in the Florida sun never really made for a good combination. Ouch!

4. Do you prefer a sweet or hearty breakfast?
Definitely hearty...eating sweets too early (other than chocolate milk, of course) always makes me feel kind of yucky for a while.

5. Are you a Neat Freak or a Messy Bessy?
More neat freak, although I can get a little slack sometimes. I definitely prefer neat and organized to messy and chaotic though.

Check back next Friday for more questions!


  1. Following your blog!! I ride on the back of Santa's motorcycle too. I'm not scared to drive, just a wimp who can't break one over. LOL!

    Thanks for the great comments!!

  2. New follower from New Friend Friday- please follow me back at a

    Happy Friday!!
