I think God is teaching me something. Scratch that. I know God is teaching me something. It seems lately that I keep hearing the same or similar message, from all different avenues. I could chalk it up to coincidence, but I know better than that, and frankly, I know God better than that.
I write this humbly, but I feel like I've always had a heart for people. Ever since I gave my life to Christ, I feel like I look at other people differently. I know...that's kind of how it's supposed to work, and don't get me wrong, I still get it wrong A LOT. I'm far from ridding "me" & "I" from my vocabulary, and my own selfish desires still often get the best of me. On the other hand, I try my best to look at people and see them as Christ sees them: broken, hurting, lost, etc. Lately, all around me I keep hearing about how we are supposed to love others. And I start questioning myself. Am I loving others to the extent that Christ loves me? How do I know that I am? How do I show that I am? Recently, this quote struck a chord so deep within me, and really convicted me in regards my compassion for people.
"I cannot be everything to everyone, but I can be something to someone. Compassion without action changes nothing." -Unknown
We (the church) are so good at being sad, sympathetic, and somber towards unfortunate situations and circumstances others find themselves in. We think to ourselves "how awful" or "that's so sad" and may even shed a tear or two when we see images of poverty, disease, and brokenness. What do most of us do beyond that? What do we do with those feelings of sadness and heartache? Nothing. I am guilty. I do nothing. Oftentimes, those images, thoughts, and stories even stick in my mind for days, weeks even. And still, I do nothing with them. Maybe I throw up a casual "why God, why the hurting?" and without waiting for a response, move on. Maybe I even remember to ask for God to provide, protect, heal, save, etc. those unknown souls. But beyond that, I do nothing.
I'm tired of doing nothing. I'm tired of Christians (me included!) claiming to love others with the love of Christ, when in actuality, we struggle in even loving other Christians, much less, the "unloveable." Is it that we aren't heartbroken "enough" to act? Are we too busy with our own lives that we fail to see how others are living? Is it because so much suffering and sadness occurs on the other side of the world, that we don't feel a responsibility to do anything? There are plenty of opportunities to "be Jesus" right in front of our very eyes, if we choose to look.
I want to be filled with compassion...the kind that acts. Not because it feels good. Not because it makes me look good. Because we are commanded to. I want Christ to use me to share His love with someone else. Someone who doesn't feel loved. Someone lonely. Sad. Scared. Hungry. Sick. Lost. Angry. I want them to see Jesus, and to know that He died for them as much as He died for me. They were on His mind that day He hung on that cross.
I can't change the whole world. I am going to change someone's world.
Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. "They know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. Psalm 82:3-5 NIV
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27 NIV
If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing right. James 2:8 NIV
Practical application:
Some of my goals for the next year, to "be Jesus" to the world:
1. Volunteer at A Women's Pregnancy Center, a local pregnancy center offering abortion alternatives and faith-based support for women who feel like they have no where else to turn. This is something I've been talking about and thinking about for a while now, and I've gone as far as printing out the application. No further. Now, I'm moving forward with this.
2. Sponsor a Compassion International child: Something else I've been wanting to do for a while. This organization does SO MANY great things and gives so many children around the world opportunities and hope that they wouldn't otherwise have. The small monthly fee involved with sponsoring a child provides them with medical care and food, education, friendship, Bible teaching, and most of all....hope.
3. Be a part of a short-term missions trip: After going to Ecuador in 2000, this has been something I've always wanted to do again. This trip changed me in such a meaningful way. I went expecting to be a part of doing all these great things and being a blessing to the people we were ministering to. Instead, I was constantly blessed by the heart of these people, who had practically nothing, but sacrificed all they had to serve us.
I am going to change someone's world. I am going to show them Jesus.
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
16 hours ago
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